Energy Risk Professional Exam Preparations In A Hurry

I frequently get questions about the appropriate timing to prepare for the Energy Risk Professional exam. In a perfect scenario, six month would be ideal, as it gives you plenty of time to adequately read the original syllabus, check everything with the ViveraRISK Concept Checkers, and then practice and prepare for the exam with the GARP sample exams and the full-length ERP Practice Exam. But what it you only have a month to prepare until the exam? That’s a tough question…

If you’re under such severe time constraints and want to give it a go, there is still a way do approach preparations. I would of course not recommend to start that late, but if it is your only option, this is what I would advise:

  1. First skim the original readings from GARP, but make sure you don’t lose too much time doing that.
  2. Then, I would very soon start working with the ViveraRISK Concept Checkers and the sample/practice exams. Take the GARP sample exam from 2009 first when you start with the Concept Checkers. After you’re about half-way through, I would take the GARP sample exam from 2010 and last but not least the full-length practice exam.
  3. Try to be done with the Concept Checkers about 10 days before the exam, then take the practice exam again three days before the exam, just to repeat the quant problems and drill them a bit more.

It will be a tour de force for sure, but if you clear the exam under these conditions, kudos to you!!

Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. I wish you all the best for your exam preparations, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!